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Tag: essentialfattyacids

Kids Health, Vitamins & Minerals

Nourishing the Child with ADHD, Simply

Multivitamins & Fish Oil for Pediatric ADHD Treatment Sub-optimal nutrition not only affects a child’s physical health, but also predisposes them to neurocognitive deficits like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).[1],[2],[3] ADHD is a common, early-onset, and enduring neurodevelopmental condition characterized by developmentally inappropriate attention deficits, hyperactivity, increased impulsivity, and/or emotional deregulation. Needless to say,…

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Healthy Aging

Are You Getting Enough DHA?

Docosahexaenoic acid for brain and eye health Are you familiar with DHA, also known as docosahexaenoic acid (pronounced doh-koh-sah-hex-ah-een-oh-ick acid)? DHA is the longest-chain omega-3 fatty acid, found in fish oil and in the diet in general. Along with its omega-3 companion, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), DHA is essential for health at all ages, which…

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